Just For Today – April 22 – Traveling the Open Road

The Narcotics Anonymous meditation for April 22nd uses the metaphor of a journey to describe the path of recovery. The reading, titled “Traveling the open road,” reminds us that while the initial stages of recovery may feel like a dead end, the program offers a path filled with “unlimited possibilities.”

From Rock Bottom to the Open Road

The meditation opens with a stark picture of the addict’s arrival at their first NA meeting. Many come feeling hopeless and isolated, believing they’ve reached the “end of the road.” They are “spiritually bankrupt,” having lost connection with themselves and a higher power.

This feeling of hitting rock bottom is often a necessary precursor to recovery. It creates a space for change, a willingness to embrace a new path.

Stepping Onto a New Road

The meditation assures us that entering the program is not the end, but rather the beginning of a journey with “unlimited possibilities.” Recovery is more than just abstaining from drugs; it’s about personal growth and transformation.

By working the steps and applying the program’s principles, we witness positive changes in ourselves and others. We see fellow addicts develop a connection with a higher power, build healthy relationships, and rediscover a sense of purpose. Witnessing these transformations ignites hope and the belief that positive change is possible for us as well.

The Importance of Staying on the Path

The road of recovery, like any journey, is not without its challenges. The meditation warns against complacency, intolerance, and dishonesty, all of which can lead us off course. These pitfalls can resurface even after years of sobriety.

The key is to recognize these warning signs quickly and get back on track. NA provides the tools and support system necessary to navigate these challenges. Through sponsorship, regular meetings, and working the steps, we can stay committed to our growth and avoid getting sidetracked.

Traveling as Far as We Wish

The meditation concludes with a powerful affirmation: “Just for today: I am continuing to develop my spiritual, social, and general living skills by applying the principles of my program. I can travel as far as I wish on the open road of recovery.”

This affirmation highlights the concept of one-day-at-a-time progress. Recovery is a lifelong journey, and focusing on daily commitment takes the pressure off achieving some distant, nebulous goal. By applying the program’s principles each day, we develop the skills and strength to navigate the road ahead.

The “open road” symbolizes the limitless potential for growth within the program. There is no set destination; recovery is a continuous process of self-discovery and transformation. The further we travel down this path, the more we develop our spiritual connection, build healthy relationships, and discover a fulfilling life.

A Journey of Hope

The April 22nd meditation offers a powerful message of hope and possibility. It reminds us that even in the depths of addiction, there is a path forward. By embracing the program and staying committed to our growth, we can travel as far as we wish on the “open road” of recovery.


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