Just For Today – January 18

Embracing the Simplicity of Daily Inventory

The “Just for Today” meditation for January 18th introduces the concept of a simple daily inventory as a vital tool in recovery. This practice involves taking a few minutes at the end of each day for self-reflection, allowing us to stay connected with our feelings and actions. It’s about making this process a habit, rather than a complex project, to maintain awareness of our internal state.

A Moment of Quiet Reflection

The daily inventory starts with a quiet moment to check in with our feelings. We reflect on our day, identifying any discomfort or unease. This introspection involves recognizing what happened, understanding our role in events, and considering if we owe any amends. It also means acknowledging what we could do differently if given another chance.

Balancing Self-Examination with Positive Acknowledgment

It’s important to balance this inventory by recognizing the positive aspects of our day as well. We consider what brought us satisfaction, how we were productive, responsible, kind, and loving. Reflecting on these positive experiences helps us appreciate the beauty of our day and reinforces behaviors we want to repeat.

A daily inventory need not be a complicated or burdensome task. It’s a simple yet effective way to stay in touch with ourselves, ensuring that we are mindful of our journey in recovery.
