Just For Today – January 28

The Daily Journey of Recovery: Embracing a Lifelong Commitment

The “Just for Today” meditation for January 28th serves as a poignant reminder that recovery is a continuous, daily commitment. It addresses a common misconception in the journey of recovery: the belief that after a certain period of staying clean, we are ‘cured’ and can move on from the principles and practices that have sustained us.

Recognizing Recovery as an Ongoing Process

The meditation cautions against the complacency that can come with time in the program. The notion of being ‘bored’ with meetings or feeling like we’ve learned all there is to know from Narcotics Anonymous is a dangerous precursor to relapse. Recovery is not about reaching a finish line; it’s about maintaining vigilance and dedication to the principles of NA every single day.

The Perils of Complacency

Those who have experienced relapse often reinforce the importance of consistent engagement with the program. The reality is that we are addicts every day, and our recovery requires daily attention. The potential for delusion, denial, and rationalization never entirely disappears, making it crucial to actively practice recovery each day.

Choosing Recovery Every Day

Today, and every day, we face a choice: to live as a recovering addict or to risk the perils of complacency. This choice is made through our daily practices—attending meetings, engaging with our support network, and working the steps. It’s a lifelong journey, one that requires our unwavering commitment and active participation.
