“For us, to use is to die, often in more ways than one.”
Addiction doesn’t just harm our physical body—it destroys our spirit. When we were using, many of us felt a profound emptiness, as if life had lost its meaning. Recovery rekindles the spark of life within us, nurturing our spirit back to vitality. Each day we choose to stay clean, we strengthen that spark, building a life rooted in purpose, connection, and spiritual growth.
When we entered recovery, many of us arrived with only a faint glimmer of hope. Addiction had drained us emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Yet, within each of us remained a small spark—our spirit—that longed for survival. Narcotics Anonymous became the place where that spark could be reignited.
Through recovery, we begin to transform into the vibrant, whole individuals we were meant to be, rediscovering joy, meaning, and connection.
Recovery is a daily choice—a commitment to honor and nurture the spiritual growth we’ve worked so hard to achieve. Each day we stay clean, we choose life over the slow death of addiction. This daily choice strengthens our relationship with a Higher Power and revitalizes our spirit.
“Our spirit becomes stronger each day we choose life by staying clean.”
Staying clean not only preserves our spiritual vitality but also allows us to continue growing into the best version of ourselves.
Even in recovery, there are moments when the urge to use can feel overwhelming. Life’s challenges can leave us feeling hopeless, and using may seem like the only escape. However, the price of relapse is far too high: the loss of the spiritual growth we’ve cultivated through recovery.
In these moments, we must remind ourselves of how far we’ve come and how much we have to lose by returning to old behaviors.
Gratitude is a powerful antidote to the urge to use. By focusing on the progress we’ve made and the blessings of recovery, we reinforce our commitment to staying clean. Recognizing the strength of our spirit and the support of our fellowship helps us stay grounded during difficult times.
Honoring our spirit means cherishing the progress we’ve made and protecting it with the choices we make each day.
Recovery has given us a second chance at life, allowing us to rediscover joy, purpose, and connection. By choosing to stay clean, we honor our spirit, our Higher Power, and the journey we’ve undertaken. The flame we’ve rekindled is too precious to extinguish.
Just for today: I am grateful that my spirit is strong and vital. Today, I will honor that spirit by staying clean.