Just for Today: March 30 – God-centeredness

The Spiritual Core of Recovery

In the journey of recovery, “God-centeredness” invites us to place our spiritual relationship at the heart of our lives, allowing this connection to guide us toward healing, purpose, and serenity.

Embracing a Spiritual Foundation

God-centeredness is about more than just belief; it’s about making our spirituality the cornerstone of our existence. This approach to recovery entails surrendering our will and our lives to the care of a Higher Power, trusting that this spiritual guidance will lead us on the right path. It’s a process of letting go of ego, acknowledging that we do not have all the answers, and opening ourselves to divine direction.

The Role of Prayer and Meditation

Prayer and meditation are crucial practices for developing God-centeredness. Through prayer, we communicate our fears, desires, and gratitude to our Higher Power, seeking strength and guidance. Meditation allows us to listen, to quiet our minds and hearts, and to become receptive to the spiritual insights and serenity offered by our Higher Power. Together, these practices foster a deep, personal relationship with the divine.

Living According to Spiritual Principles

God-centeredness in recovery means striving to live according to spiritual principles such as honesty, hope, faith, courage, integrity, willingness, humility, love, discipline, perseverance, spiritual awareness, and service. These principles become the benchmarks for our actions and decisions, guiding us to live in ways that are congruent with our spiritual beliefs.

The Impact on Recovery

When we center our lives around a Higher Power, we find a source of strength and hope that transcends our own limitations. This spiritual foundation offers a perspective that can transform the way we view ourselves, our addiction, and our recovery. It provides a sense of purpose and direction, reducing the feelings of isolation and despair that often accompany addiction.

Nurturing Our Spiritual Connection

God-centeredness is a dynamic aspect of recovery that grows and evolves over time. It requires ongoing attention and nurturing. Engaging with a recovery community, participating in service work, and continuing to explore our spirituality through study and reflection are all ways to deepen our connection with our Higher Power.

The Journey of Spiritual Growth

Embracing God-centeredness is a journey of spiritual growth that offers profound rewards. It invites peace and serenity into our lives, provides a moral compass, and offers comfort in times of struggle. Most importantly, it reminds us that we are part of something greater than ourselves, providing a sense of belonging and connection.
