Just for Today: March 6 – Rationalizing Away Our Recovery

Recognizing Self-Deception

On our journey through recovery, we often encounter internal obstacles that can divert us from our path. One of the most insidious of these is the tendency to rationalize our behaviors and thoughts in ways that undermine our progress. Today, we confront the challenge of rationalizing away our recovery, exploring strategies to remain true to our journey.

Acknowledging Our Tendencies

“As a result of the Twelve Steps, I’m not able to hold on to old ways of deceiving myself.” – Basic Text, p. 176

Rationalization is a defense mechanism we all engage in from time to time. It allows us to justify actions and thoughts that might otherwise conflict with our recovery goals. Recognizing when we’re rationalizing harmful behaviors or attitudes is the first step toward addressing this challenge.

The Pain of Self-Deception

The process of recovery becomes particularly difficult when we convince ourselves that the principles of the program don’t apply to us. This kind of thinking leads us down a familiar path of self-deception and ultimately away from the progress we’ve made. Acknowledging the pain and stagnation that come from such rationalizations is crucial.

Seeking Honesty and Support

With the guidance of our sponsor and the support of our recovery community, we can start to dismantle the rationalizations that hold us back. Openly discussing our thought processes and receiving feedback can help illuminate areas where we’re deceiving ourselves. This level of honesty and vulnerability is vital for growth and healing.

Embracing Principles Over Rationalizations

The Twelve Steps offer a framework for living that counters the tendency to rationalize away our recovery. By committing to these principles, we learn to navigate life’s challenges without resorting to our old ways of thinking. This commitment requires ongoing vigilance and a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths about ourselves.

Committing to Continuous Growth

Today, let’s reflect on the ways we might be rationalizing away our recovery. By recognizing and addressing these tendencies, we reaffirm our commitment to our journey. Embracing the principles of the program over our rationalizations not only strengthens our recovery but also enriches our personal growth and self-understanding.


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