Just For Today – May 4 – What About the Newcomer?

The Heart of the Home Group

For many in Narcotics Anonymous (NA), the home group is not just a meeting place but a source of lasting friendships and vital support. These groups often extend beyond the meetings themselves, engaging in social activities and community bonding. The warmth and camaraderie developed within these groups are invaluable, providing a foundation for enduring recovery.

Fulfilling Our Primary Purpose

Despite the strong bonds and fun that characterize home group activities, it’s crucial to revisit the core mission of NA groups: to carry the message to the addict who still suffers. It’s easy to get caught up in the comfort of familiar faces and the joy of shared experiences, but we must ask ourselves: Are we addressing the needs of newcomers?

Remembering the Newcomer

Newcomers to NA often arrive feeling isolated and anxious, desperately needing a welcoming hand. It’s important for home groups to maintain a focus on these individuals. The initial meetings can be intimidating, making the gestures of greeting and inclusion all the more significant. Ensuring that newcomers feel seen and supported should be a priority at every meeting, as they are often said to be the most important attendees.

Extending the Hand of Fellowship

The principle of service, fundamental to NA, involves extending what we have received to others in need. This service is not limited to sharing experiences in meetings but includes the proactive engagement of reaching out to newcomers, making them feel part of the community. By doing so, we not only help others but also strengthen our own recovery by reaffirming our commitment to the group’s primary purpose.

Today’s Commitment to Service

Today, as we enjoy the fellowship of our home group, we also embrace our responsibility to welcome and support every newcomer. Our recovery is enhanced each time we offer the support that was once offered to us. In this spirit, let us extend our hands and hearts to those who are still struggling, remembering that our strength lies in unity and shared purpose.


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