“Before we got clean, most of our actions were guided by impulse. Today, we are not locked into this type of thinking.”
Basic Text, page 87
Life is a series of decisions, actions, and consequences. When we were using, our decisions were often driven by our addiction, leading to self-destructive actions and dire outcomes. Decision making felt like a rigged game, something to avoid whenever possible. Our impulses ruled our actions, and we lacked the foresight or control to make healthier choices.
In recovery, we face the challenge of relearning how to make decisions. This process can be difficult, as we must unlearn old habits and develop new, healthier patterns. By working the Twelve Steps, we gradually gain practice in making decisions that lead to positive results. These steps guide us in:
By consistently applying the principles of the Twelve Steps, we gain freedom from the influence of our disease. We learn to make decisions based on faith, courage, and a desire for positive outcomes, rather than impulsive or destructive tendencies. This shift in decision-making principles can transform our lives, leading to healthier choices and better results.
“Our faith gives us the courage and direction to make good decisions and the strength to act on them.”
Faith plays a crucial role in the decision-making process. It provides the courage to face difficult choices and the strength to follow through. By trusting in a Higher Power, we can make decisions that align with our recovery goals and lead to a more fulfilling life.
Healthy decision making leads to positive outcomes, reinforcing our commitment to recovery. Each good decision builds on the last, creating a ripple effect that enhances all areas of our lives. This ongoing process helps us develop a life worth living, filled with purpose, joy, and satisfaction.
“Just for today: I will use the principles of the Twelve Steps to make healthy decisions. I will ask my Higher Power for the strength to act on those decisions.”
By applying the principles of the Twelve Steps, we learn to make healthy decisions that are not influenced by our disease. This practice leads to positive outcomes and a life worth living. Embrace the power of thoughtful, faith-based decision making in your recovery journey.
Just for today, commit to making healthy decisions and trust in your Higher Power for the strength and courage to act on them.