Just For Today – August 26 – Tenth Step Inventory

“We continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.”
Step Ten

The Importance of a Daily Tenth Step

A daily Tenth Step is crucial for maintaining a sound spiritual footing in recovery. This step involves taking a personal inventory of our actions, motives, and interactions with others. By consistently evaluating ourselves, we ensure that we remain honest, humble, and aligned with our recovery goals.

Key Questions for the Tenth Step

Each member may ask different questions during their Tenth Step, but some questions are universally helpful:

  1. Self-Reflection: “Am I honestly in touch with myself, my actions, and my motives?”
  2. Spiritual Guidance: “Have I prayed for God’s will for me and the power to carry it out?”

These questions encourage us to take a thorough look at our day, promoting self-awareness and spiritual growth.

Focusing on Relationships

When considering our interactions with others, additional questions can guide our reflection:

  • Harm Assessment: “Have I harmed anyone today, either directly or indirectly?”
  • Amends: “Do I need to make amends to anyone as a result of my actions today?”

By keeping our inventory simple and asking, “Where was I wrong? How can I do it better next time?” we can address our mistakes constructively and learn from them.

Additional Questions for Self-Improvement

Many NA members include other important questions in their inventories to ensure a holistic approach to personal growth:

  • Self-Care: “Was I good to myself today?”
  • Altruism: “Did I do something for someone else and expect nothing in return?”
  • Faith Reaffirmation: “Have I reaffirmed my faith in a loving Higher Power?”

These questions help us maintain balance in our recovery by fostering self-love, altruism, and spiritual connection.

The Maintenance Role of Step Ten

Step Ten is a maintenance step in the NA program. It helps us to continue living comfortably in recovery by:

  • Promoting Honesty: Encouraging regular self-evaluation keeps us honest about our progress and shortcomings.
  • Fostering Accountability: Admitting when we are wrong and making amends maintains our integrity and trustworthiness.
  • Supporting Growth: Reflecting on our actions and motives drives ongoing personal and spiritual development.

Practical Steps for a Daily Tenth Step

  1. Set Aside Time: Dedicate a specific time each day for your Tenth Step inventory, ensuring consistency and focus.
  2. Be Honest: Answer the inventory questions with complete honesty, acknowledging both your strengths and areas for improvement.
  3. Seek Guidance: Pray for guidance and strength from your Higher Power, seeking clarity and direction.
  4. Make Amends: If you have harmed someone, take steps to make amends promptly. This reinforces accountability and healing.
  5. Reflect and Plan: Consider how you can act differently in the future, creating a plan for improvement.

The Benefits of a Daily Inventory

  • Enhanced Self-Awareness: Regular self-reflection increases our understanding of our actions and motives.
  • Improved Relationships: Addressing harm and making amends strengthens our relationships and builds trust.
  • Continued Spiritual Growth: Praying for guidance and reaffirming our faith nurtures our spiritual journey.
  • Emotional Balance: Maintaining a daily inventory helps us manage our emotions and stay grounded in our recovery.

Conclusion: The Power of the Tenth Step

The Tenth Step is a powerful tool for maintaining a healthy and balanced life in recovery. By consistently reviewing our actions, motives, and interactions, we ensure that we stay on track and continue to grow. Embrace the daily practice of the Tenth Step to live comfortably and authentically in recovery.

Just for today, commit to reviewing your day honestly. If you have harmed another, make amends, and reflect on how you can improve. Embrace the power of the Tenth Step to support your ongoing recovery.


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