Just For Today – January 16

The Power of Connection: Reaching Out in NA

The “Just for Today” meditation for January 16th speaks to the heart of the Narcotics Anonymous fellowship: the power of connection and mutual support. Many of us, gripped by fear of rejection or feelings of unworthiness, hesitate to reach out to our NA friends or sponsors. We worry that revealing our true selves might lead to rejection, forgetting that our fellow members are just like us, having walked similar paths and faced similar struggles.

Overcoming the Fear of Rejection

It’s crucial to remember that the NA community is built on understanding and acceptance. No experience we’ve had or feeling we’ve felt is so unique that others in NA won’t be able to relate. The more we open up and let others know us, the more we hear affirmations of belonging and acceptance. In NA, we are among friends who genuinely understand and care.

The Give and Take of Fellowship

By isolating ourselves, we not only deny ourselves the support we need but also deprive others of our company and the unique support we can offer. In the fellowship of NA, we all have something to give and something to gain. Making a call, attending a meeting, or simply reaching out to a fellow member can make a significant difference, both in our recovery and in the lives of others.

The encouragement to “make that call” is not just about seeking help; it’s about fostering a culture of mutual care, understanding, and support. At the other end of the line is not rejection, but the warmth and fellowship of the NA community.
