The ‘Just for Today’ meditation for January 6th addresses a fundamental shift in mindset crucial for successful recovery. Many of us arrive in Narcotics Anonymous with the belief that we have all the answers. We often say “I know” to almost everything, thinking our knowledge about our problems is sufficient. However, this approach rarely leads to sustained recovery. The wisdom of long-term members in NA shows us that the more time we spend in recovery, the more we realize how much we have yet to learn.
The key to this learning process is not in seeking why things are the way they are but in understanding how we can change them. Long-term members don’t claim to have all the answers; rather, they understand the importance of the Twelve Steps in maintaining sobriety. The focus shifts from endless speculation to practical application. This mindset change from questioning to learning is crucial for growth and recovery.
Instead of asking “why,” we learn to ask “how” in NA. How do we work the steps? How often should we attend meetings? How do we maintain our sobriety? These questions guide us towards practical solutions and foster a mindset geared towards action and improvement. This approach doesn’t mean we stop questioning or thinking critically; it means we focus our inquiries towards constructive and actionable paths.
The journey of recovery is a continuous process of learning and growing. The shift from “I know” to seeking guidance shows a willingness to embrace humility and learn from the experiences of others. It’s in this space of openness and willingness to learn that we find the answers that truly matter in our recovery journey.