Just For Today | July 1 | A simple program

A Simple Program

The program is simply sharing, working the Twelve Steps, attending meetings, and practicing the principles of the program.

In a world that can sometimes feel overwhelmingly complex, it’s easy to get bogged down in the details. But what if we told you there’s a way to simplify your life? By focusing on three simple things – sharing our experience, strength, and hope with others; regular meeting attendance; and practicing the principles of the program – we can make our lives a lot less complicated.

Sharing Our Experience

When we share our story with others, we provide a powerful example for newcomers to follow. And as we do so, we also help keep self-centeredness at bay. By putting effort into helping others, we create a sense of purpose and belonging that’s essential to our recovery.

Meeting Attendance

Attending meetings regularly can bring structure and routine to our lives. It gives us a sense of belonging and lets others know where they can find us if they need support. Whether it’s one group or several, finding a “home group” can be a game-changer for our recovery.

Practicing the Twelve Steps

Living by the principles of the program makes all the difference between a balanced recovery and simply not using. The Twelve Steps provide us with much-needed guidance in managing our everyday affairs. By incorporating these steps into our daily lives, we can find serenity and hope even in the midst of chaos.

Just for Today

Remember: while life may be complex, NA is the simplest way for me to make my life less complicated. Just for today, I will focus on sharing, attending meetings, and practicing the principles of the program.


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