“Working with others is only the beginning of service work.”
Basic Text, page 56
Service work is a fundamental aspect of the recovery journey, extending beyond merely working with others. It calls for a selfless dedication to carrying the message to the still-suffering addict. This dedication must be rooted in humility and a genuine desire to help, rather than seeking personal recognition or power within the fellowship.
Effective service work requires us to continually examine our motives. Being highly visible within the fellowship can lead to a “big fish in a little pond” mentality, where our controlling attitude may inadvertently push away newcomers. True service involves balancing our visibility with humility and self-awareness, ensuring that our actions always serve the group’s best interests and not just our own.
Group conscience is a cornerstone of service work. It emphasizes that the collective decision-making process is more important than individual beliefs and desires. By contributing our thoughts and beliefs to the development of a group conscience, we foster a sense of unity and shared purpose. Once the group conscience is established, it is crucial to accept and follow its guidance, even if it differs from our personal opinions.
Working with others to develop a collective conscience ensures that all voices are heard and valued. This unity is essential for effectively carrying the message to those who still suffer. By remembering that we strive together for a common goal, we can overcome personal differences and focus on the primary purpose of our service efforts.
It is often tempting to believe we know what is best for the group. However, remembering that the group’s welfare takes precedence over individual desires helps us let go of personal agendas. This mindset shift makes it easier to contribute positively to the group’s efforts and ensures that our actions remain aligned with the primary purpose of helping the still-suffering addict.
Just for today, commit to participating in the development of group conscience. Recognize that the world will not end if you do not get your way. Focus on the primary purpose of your service efforts and reach out to a newcomer. By embracing these principles, you will contribute to a stronger, more unified fellowship dedicated to carrying the message of recovery.