Just for Today: March 8 – Learning to Love Ourselves

Embracing Self-Acceptance

In our journey through recovery, one of the most profound changes we aspire to is the ability to truly love and accept ourselves. Today, we explore the transformative process of building self-esteem and learning to love the person we are becoming.

The Foundation of Recovery

“What we want most is to feel good about ourselves.” – Basic Text, p. 97

The path to self-love is a cornerstone of our recovery process. It’s often said in our meetings, “We’ll love you until you can learn to love yourself!” This promise holds the vision of a future where self-love and self-acceptance are not just possible but are a reality in our lives.

Cultivating Self-Esteem

The quest for self-esteem is a common thread that runs through the tapestry of recovery. For some, a sense of self-worth seems to arise naturally over time, as if by chance. For others, it requires deliberate effort, including the practice of affirmations and other actions aimed at reinforcing our value and worth.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

Learning to love ourselves involves more than just positive self-talk; it’s a comprehensive process of self-discovery and acceptance. It requires us to confront our past, our mistakes, and our imperfections with compassion and understanding. By doing so, we begin to appreciate our strengths, our resilience, and our unique qualities.

Overcoming Barriers to Self-Love

Many of us have faced years of self-criticism, doubt, and negative self-perception. Overcoming these barriers is not an overnight process but a gradual shift towards recognizing our inherent worth. Each step we take in recovery, from acknowledging our need for help to working the steps and making amends, contributes to this shift.

A Daily Practice

Today, let’s commit to the practice of learning to love ourselves. Let’s recognize our worth, celebrate our progress, and treat ourselves with the kindness and compassion we deserve. As we grow in our ability to love ourselves, we pave the way for a future filled with hope, fulfillment, and an unshakeable sense of self-worth.


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